Gotham Government Relations & Communications is hosting an informational forum to brief the construction industry on how the conviction this month of a general contractor of severe criminal charges sets a dangerous precedent that could put everyone working in the construction industry, union and nonunion alike, in grave danger, if left unchallenged.

Please join us along with our guest speaker, Ron Fischetti, a highly skilled trial lawyer, who has been in practice over 40 years and is considered one of the most prominent federal criminal defenses lawyers in the country, as he provides case specific insight as to the profound effect this decision will have on the entire industry if not challenged through the appeals process.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

10am – 11am

The Marriott Renaissance

218 West 35th Street, New York City

 7th floor – Catwalk Room

  Please R.S.V.P. by emailing [email protected] or by calling (516) 880-8170.  Please note that space is limited, there is no cost to attend, and refreshments will be served.  We look forward to your joining us.